BSQ Private Prosecution Success

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Another success for BSQ’s lawyers in defending a private prosecution. BSQ was privately instructed to represent a client accused of conspiracy to commit fraud and conspiracy to convert the course of justice. After making representations in writing, the CPS agreed with our submissions that they should intervene, assume conduct of the case and discontinue proceedings. The decision followed the submission of a detailed dossier by BSQ highlighting deficiencies in the conduct of the Private Prosecution and evidential weaknesses.The BSQ partner instructed was Roger Sahota.

This is the latest in a series of recent cases were following BSQ’s intervention, the CPS have decided to exercise their supervisory function to intervene and discontinue private prosecutions where concerns have arisen as to the sufficiency of evidence – see our 1.3.2019 blog (link to article above)

BSQ are presently instructed in a number of privately funded cases where we are defending criminal allegations brought by private prosecutor s. In the past few years there has been a growing trend in this type of private prosecution, largely arising due to a reluctance and/or inability of police/state agencies to investigate resource Intensive cases where financial impropriety is alleged.

BSQ specialises in both bringing and defending Private Prosecution’s on behalf of individuals, companies and corporate entities. If you require advice and assistance in connection with a private prosecution please do not hesitate to contact our London offices.

You can read more about our expertise in defending individuals accused of fraud here.

If you require advice and assistance whilst you are under investigation please contact our London offices for a confidential consultation.


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BSQ Awarded Category 1 Status By LAA