BSQ News – Second Indian Extradition Request Refused and Interpol Red Notice Withdrawn

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BSQ partner Roger J Sahota has successfully defended a client in resisting a request for their extradition from the Government of India. This is the second occasion recently where the courts have refused to grant an application for extradition made by the Government of India in relation to a BSQ client.

In this particular instance, BSQ’s client - a chartered accountant of impeccable good character, was sought for criminal prosecution in India. Proceedings commenced in 2018.  BSQ obtained and served expert evidence from political and legal experts which supported our challenge to the extradition request. This included submissions that extradition should be refused as the Indian legal and penal system did not meet international human rights and fair trial standards.

Over the past four few years an increasing number of requests have been submitted by the Government of India to the UK. Extradition between the two countries is governed by the terms of a 1993 treaty.

Earlier in the proceedings an Interpol red notice issued by the GOI was also withdrawn following representations to the CCiF in France.
BSQ partner Roger Sahota is an expert in international criminal law and defending extradition cases.

You can read more about our success with extradition cases here.

If you require advice in relation to an extradition request please call our London office.


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