BSQ Court of Appeal Quash Conviction and Acquittal on Re-trial

BSQ Serious Crime partner Goran Stojsavljevic has recently secured the quashing of a conviction on appeal and an acquittal on re-trial in an important firearms prosecution.

Following his conviction for firearms offences Goran was approached by BL who was unhappy with the service offered by his former legal aid lawyers having been sentenced to 6 years 8 month imprisonment and wished to instruct lawyers privately to appeal it.

The Court of Appeal held that the court erred in admitting extensive evidence of BL’s bad character and ordered a re-trial.   Represented by James Walker of Carmelite Chambers BL was acquitted on all counts by a jury at Leicester Crown Court.  

You can read more about our expertise in dealing with criminal prosecution cases here.

If you require representation in connection with a criminal prosecution please contact our London offices.


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